New Club on Campus: Soledad Soul Writers
Soledad Soul Writers is a new club that has come together with the purpose of creating a free and relieving environment where students can feel free to express their feelings and share their stories through spoken word poetry and creative writing. The misinterpretation many people may get from this is that one has to be a good writer or speaker in order to become a member of this club, but the fact of the matter is that you don’t have to be either. As long as you have an open mind and are interested in the art of poetry you are more than welcome to join. The Soledad Soul Writers plans on holding events such as poetry night where writers are welcome to share their words, thoughts, and stories. This club is also planning field trips to open mic nights in San Francisco and other poetry competitions and events. If interested in joining the club, feel free to attend the meetings every Monday at lunch or contact Ms.Wilson in Room 306.