Review: Inferno
2016 has brought forth countless movies of action, drama, sci-fi and even superhero based; but in the recent film Inferno, the director mixes the historical significance of Dante and his ‘Inferno’ as well as the world’s current state of chaos into an exciting and dramatic thriller for 2016. The movie is incredibly fast paced and demands the watchers complete attention because of all the facts and evidence that builds to the main purpose of the movie; additionally, the audience has to pay attention to the set time, location and character changes that change the dynamic of specific scenes. The amount of attention is worth while thanks to the blur of suspense, action and drama; you’ll be on the edge of your seat wanting more. This movie may be on its way out of the theater soon, so before the year ends grab a friend, girlfriend/boyfriend or family member and get to the movies ASAP and see this must-see film!