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New Year's Resolutions


We may be in November, but the new year is just around the corner. People tend to have New Year resolutions to make each year better than the last, but many, including myself, fail to do so. New Year's resolutions have become traditional for those trying to improve their daily lives, yet fail within the year and attempt the new year as a clean slate to start. This gave me the idea to decide to ask a couple of people what their's were and if they typically kept them. The most common resolutions people have are as follows:

  1. Stop procrastinating

  2. Be happier

  3. Complain less

  4. Work on being less lazy

  5. Learn to control emotions

  6. Be more active

  7. Sleep earlier

  8. Use less social media

  9. Be more adventurous

  10. Spend more time with people that matter

  11. Be more organized

  12. Be more punctual

  13. Be less forgetful

  14. Learn to be stress free

  15. Drink more water

  16. Dress better

  17. Appreciate life

Typically we remember our resolutions for the first two weeks of the year and are lucky if we stuck with our goals for more then a few months. Everyone usually forgets about them or decides not to follow through with them after all. However for those that applied them for even the small amount of time they remembered, that bit of change produced happiness in keeping their promise. Many use the New Year resolutions as a way to postpone their goals when in reality it can be done at any point of the year. People can always better themselves and set goals throughout the year. Setting small goals can be easier to accomplish while long-term goals can be broken down into smaller steps or goals in order to mark progress. Personally, I think it is great to have goals no matter how big or small they are. I do not see the purpose of waiting a whole year to change the way you want to live no matter how big the affect is; change can happen at any given moment. I have never been able to keep my New Year's resolutions, so I just set up mini goals for the week or month and accomplish them. Don't wait until the start of a new year to change your life, start now.

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